This practice has a system for dealing with your concerns, complaints and incidents. If you have a complaint / concern about the service we provide, please contact Mrs Alison Davies, the Practice Manager. Your concern, complaint or incident will be investigated, and the practice will try and resolve your problem. We use the NHS Wales principles of dealing with complaints, claims and incidents which came into force in April 2011. The procedure is available on request.
What is a Concern?
A concern is when a patient or member of staff feels unhappy about any service provided by the Practice. By you telling us about your concern, we can apologise, investigate and try and put things right. We will also learn lessons and improve services where they need to be better.
How is a Concern actioned?
A concern is normally recorded and investigated by the Practice Manager who has the role of Responsible Officer. In her/his absence this will be delegated to a nominated member of staff who has received appropriate training in handling concerns.
What happens to a Concern?
A concern is acknowledged (usually in writing) within 2 working days, excluding weekends and bank holidays. An investigation then takes place and further information or specialist advice may be sought.
Final Response
In the majority of cases a final response is made within 30 days of the date when the concern was received, excluding weekends and bank holidays. If this is not possible we will provide reasons why and confirm when a reply can be expected.
Further Action
Following this process if you are still unhappy, you can contact the Concerns Team in writing: Concerns Team, Ysbyty Gwynedd Hospital, Bangor, Gwynedd LL57 2PW or by telephone: 03000 851234.
The Public Service Ombudsman can also be contacted on 0300 790 0203.